Sperm whale foraging behavior changes in response to anthropogenic sound
Understanding cetacean behavioral reactions to anthropogenic sound is critical for designing appropriate management strategies to predict and mitigate adverse behavioural
Understanding cetacean behavioral reactions to anthropogenic sound is critical for designing appropriate management strategies to predict and mitigate adverse behavioural
Multi-sensor archival tags have become a relatively common tool for studying the underwater behavior of diving animals, including whales. Rorqual
Despite extensive use of implant tags for more than 30 years in large whales, long-term consequences have generally only been
Deployment of tags on whales using approaches that either embed or anchor the tag into the blubber and muscle layer
Pelagic false killer whales (PFKW) are killed or seriously injured in the Hawai‘i-based deep-set longline fishery more than any other cetacean population, with bycatch regularly
In Hawai‘i, the diet of endangered main Hawaiian Islands false killer whales (FKWs) includes pelagic and nearshore game fish, overlapping
False killer whales are highly social, known for maintaining strong, long-term bonds and engaging in cultural behaviors including prey-sharing and
While only a single stock of short-finned pilot whales is recognized in Hawai‘i, photo-identification, social network analyses, and genetics have
Species misidentification is a common problem for some groups of cetaceans, and may lead to inaccurate descriptions of behavior, habitat