Final Report Released for GOALS II
The final report for the GOALS II project, Report For The Gulf Of Alaska Line-Transect Survey (GOALS) II: Marine Mammal
The final report for the GOALS II project, Report For The Gulf Of Alaska Line-Transect Survey (GOALS) II: Marine Mammal
Opportunities for tracking and observing marine mammals were coordinated with Navy training operations during the fourth year of this research
“Age, region, and temporal patterns of trace elements in stranded harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) from Washington inland waters” was
The Ocean Mysteries TV show featured Cascadia and SOCAL-BRS on an episode called “Whale Sounds” (season 3, episode 14, Feb
Cascadia has responded to 182 pinniped strandings from 2003 to 2006 (Table 1) and assisted in another 52 examinations of
“Declining concentrations of persistent PCBs, PBDEs, PCDEs, and PCNs in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the Salish Sea” was published
The GOALS II cruise through 2 July 2013 indicated a very successful survey with 268 visual sightings of marine mammals
Biologists from Cascadia Research and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife conducted an examination of a dead fin whale
John Calambokidis published an update to his 2011 article in the American Cetacean Society Spyhopper newsletter. This article, New Developments
Two articles were published on May 31, 2013 that describe changes enacted to alter the routes of shipping lanes near