Puget Sound bottlenose dolphin identified as part of California coastal population
A group of bottlenose dolphins have been seen in Puget Sound since September, 2017. This is quite an unusual occurrence
A group of bottlenose dolphins have been seen in Puget Sound since September, 2017. This is quite an unusual occurrence
Fall 2017 Cascadia Research is working with SEA (Southall Environmental Associates, Inc), KELP Marine Research, NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center and
July 3rd 2018 Today was the first day of our small boat effort covering the entire US West Coast from
On 24 May 2017, Cascadia Research examined a young gray whale that was found dead on the Washington outer coast near
The regular gray whales that feed each spring around Whidbey and Camano Island (called the Sounders) have stayed longer
A gray whale found dead floating in Bellingham Bay on 10 May and examined on 12 May was an
The examination of a fin whale conducted on 13 May revealed it was a young juvenile male struck by the
An examination of a dead gray whale found entangled in crab gear off S Washington was completed late on
For more information, contact John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research. Email: calambokidis@cascadiaresearch.org. 360-280-8349 The gray whale that was hit by the
A short film from the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District features an interview with John Calambokidis on ship