Journal Article Published: Assessing the risk of ships striking large whales in marine spatial planning
Citation: J. V. Redfern, M. F. Mckenna, T. J. Moore, J. Calambokidis, M. L. Deangelis, E. A. Becker, J. Barlow,
Citation: J. V. Redfern, M. F. Mckenna, T. J. Moore, J. Calambokidis, M. L. Deangelis, E. A. Becker, J. Barlow,
This Associated Press article features a Joint Working Group proposal to reduce ship strikes off San Francisco. A real time
Research was conducted during 2011 related to potential impacts of ship strikes on blue whales off California. This work is a
Goldbogen, J.A., J. Calambokidis, D.A. Croll, M.F. McKenna, E. Oleson, J. Potvin, N.D. Pyenson, G. Schorr, R.E. Shadwick, and B.R.
John Calambokidis summarizes the issue of ship strikes on blue, fin, and humpback whales off the US West Coast (especially
Prepared by Jessie Huggins, Cascadia Research and Dyanna Lambourn, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife A whale that was recently
The following article, published in 2008, summarizes evidence of ship strikes in large whales found dead in Washington State. Please click
Prepared by John Calambokidis, Research Biologist with Cascadia Research Email:, Phone 360-943-7325 Examination of a dead fin whale that washed