Expansion rates of ventral groove blubber in lunge-feeding blue whales
Rorqual whales (Balaenopteridae) are obligate lunge filter feeders that intermittently engulf and process large volumes of prey-laden water. Lunge feeding
Rorqual whales (Balaenopteridae) are obligate lunge filter feeders that intermittently engulf and process large volumes of prey-laden water. Lunge feeding
While large, migratory predators are often cited as indicator species for ecosystem processes and conditions, their utility as indicators is
Sighting and stranding data are often used to identify patterns in marine mammal occurrence. Here we evaluate the use of
When whales overlap with human activities in coastal habitats, whales are vulnerable to potentially lethal ship strikes. Despite changes to
We used field experiments to measure potential changes in behavior from noise exposure to blue whales off southern California from
The Costa Rica Dome (CRD) has been documented as one of the more productive regions in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
Understanding cetacean behavioral reactions to anthropogenic sound is critical for designing appropriate management strategies to predict and mitigate adverse behavioural
Multi-sensor archival tags have become a relatively common tool for studying the underwater behavior of diving animals, including whales. Rorqual
Despite extensive use of implant tags for more than 30 years in large whales, long-term consequences have generally only been