Resighting patterns and behavior of humpback whales sighted in a tropical breeding ground off Guatemala
Humpback whales use the waters off the Pacific coast of Central America as a breeding ground, a distinctive population segment
Humpback whales use the waters off the Pacific coast of Central America as a breeding ground, a distinctive population segment
As a large animal swims, water is accelerated around the body and produces drag as a resistive force to locomotion.
Prey-capture tactics and their associated kinematic processes are reinforced through repetition, outcome, and prey capture success. Lateralized prey capture behaviors
Mortality from collisions with vessels is one of the main human causes of death for large whales. Ship strikes are
Cuvier’s beaked whales make exceptionally long and deep dives to forage on bathypelagic prey. The species is of conservation concern
There is increasing recognition that, to be effective, fisheries management should incorporate spatial and temporal variation in the distribution of
Little is known about movement patterns and spatial use of pelagic cetaceans in the western North Atlantic. To improve our understanding
Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) depredate pelagic longlines along the shelf break ecosystem of the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB). The mortality