Foraging ecology and movement patterns of blue whales in the eastern Pacific Ocean inferred by stable isotopes
Blue whales in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) migrate between habitats that exhibit contrasting baseline nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C)
Return of harbor porpoise to Washington State’s Puget Sound as documented through 20 years of aerial seabird surveys
Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) habitation of coastal waters exposes them to frequent interactions with fisheries, pollution, boat traffic and other
The road less taken: Why do a small number of gray whales demonstrate inter-annual fidelity to springtime feeding areas in northern Puget Sound?
During the northbound migration, a small number of individually identified gray whales (n=14) divert from the migratory path to enter
Migratory destinations of North Pacific humpback whales from Guerrero state in Southwest Mexico reveal extension of Central American breeding grounds
Humpback whales in the North Pacific are known to winter in low latitude areas off Asia, Hawaii, Mexico, and Central
Insights into recruitment in the Pacific Coast Feeding Group of gray whales based on resightings of mothers and their calves
The majority of eastern North Pacific gray whales feed in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. Photo-ID and genetics have
Changes in humpback whale occurence in the Washington-southern British Columbia feeding area
Based on past genetic and photo-identification data, humpback whales in the North Pacific show site fidelity to distinct feeding areas
Wildbook: An Open Source Framework for Cetacean Mark-Recapture
Individual ID mark-recapture studies are critical to our understanding of marine mammals, yet gathering, processing and identifying individuals in images
Tagged fin whale call production, associated behavior, and response to anthropogenic sound in the Southern California Bight
For marine animals, acoustic communication is critical for many life functions, yet individual calling behavior is poorly understood for most
Insights into the underwater behavior, species interactions, and biomechanics of baleen whales using integrated video and inertial sensors
Bio-logging approaches to study the biology of free-ranging animals often focus on audio, movement, or video, but rarely are these