Cascadia Research Bat Work

Peer-reviewed articles

Northwestern Naturalist: Winter Foraging of Silver-haired and California Myotis Bats in Western Washington (Falxa 2007)

Northwest Science: Habitat Use of Pallid Bats in Coniferous Forests of Northern California (Baker et al. 2008)

Reports from bat studies conducted in the Puget Sound region:

Final report on the 2009 Townsend’s Big-eared bat study conducted at Fort Lewis, Washington

Final report on the 2008 bat inventory study at Fort Lewis, Washington

Presentations at professional meetings

Presentation on the Woodard Bay Myotis bat colony commute distances (G. Falxa) 2008 meeting of the No. American Symposium on Bat Research, Scranton, Pa. (reformatted for PDF)

Using vein patterns in the tail and wing membranes of bats for species-level and individual-level identification. (G. Falxa) 2009 meeting of the Western Bat Working Group, Austin, Tx. 


2008/9 Bat Box Preference Study on Fort Lewis (S. Freed, TNC & G. Falxa, CRC) 2010 meeting of the Wash. Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Marysville, Wa.

Emergence and Foraging patterns of Myotis lucifugus and M. yumanensis Bats in the Southern Puget Sound Region  (T. Towanda, G. Falxa) 2007 Northwest Science / Soc. Northwest Vertebrate Biology joint meeting, Victoria, BC.

Poster presentation on long distance Myotis bat commute in Olympia, Wa.  (G. Falxa) 2005 Western Bat Working Group meeting, Portland, Or.

Rethinking Yuma Bat and Little Brown Bat Foraging Endurance. (G. Falxa) 2004 meeting of the Wash. Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ellensburg, Wa.

During their seasonal migration, over 1,000 Vaux swifts stop in at an industrial chimney at Fort Lewis, in Pierce County, Washington. Click on photo to see photos and a short video.

Email contact for Greg:

More south Puget Sound bat information can be found at: 
Bats About Our Town (by Judy Olmstead) 
Bats Northwest

Our Wintering Bats: Notes from 2004 – 2010 Winter searches for bats, and winter foraging observations