David Anderson C.V.

Journal Articles

Anderson, D., R.W. Baird, A.L. Bradford and E.M. Oleson. 2020. Is it all about the haul? Pelagic false killer whale interactions with longline fisheries in the central North PacificFisheries Research 230(October 2020), 105665. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105665

Ramos, E.A., N. Castelblanco-Marínez, K.A. Collom, D.C. Barragán-Barrera, N. Garcés-Cuartas, B. Prezas-Hernández, D. Anderson, A. Jeffords, C.A. Niño-Torres, B. Carey, T. Carey. 2020. Where the wild things are: First dedicated vessel-basedexpedition of marine mammals in Belize. Cah. Biol. Mar. 61:447-457. doi: 10.21411/CBM.A.58164306


Baird, R.W., D.B. Anderson, M.A. Kratofil, D.L. Webster, and S.D. Mahaffy. 2019. Cooperative Conservation and Long-term Management of False Killer Whales in Hawaiʻi: Geospatial Analyses of Fisheries and Satellite Tag Data to Understand Fishery Interactions. Report to the State of Hawaiʻi Board of Land and Natural Resources, under Contract No. 67703. 

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, S.M. Jarvis, E.E. Henderson, S.L. Watwood, S.D. Mahaffy, B.D. Guenther, J.K. Lerma, C.J. Cornforth, A.W. Vanderzee, and D.B. Anderson. 2019. Odontocete studies on the Pacific Missile Range Facility in August 2018: satellite-tagging, photo-identification, and passive acoustic monitoring. Prepared for Commander, Pacific Fleet, under Contract No. N62470-15-D-8006 Task Order 6274218F0107 issued to HDR Inc., Honolulu, HI. 

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, Z.T. Swaim, J.M. Aschettino, H.J. Foley, W.R. Cioffi, D.B. Anderson, and A.J. Read. 2019. Spatial Use of Cuvier’s Beaked Whales and Short-finned Pilot Whales Satellite Tagged off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina: 2018 Annual Progress Report. Prepared for U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, under Contract No. N62470-15-D-8006, Task Order 18F4036, issued to HDR Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia. June 2019.

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, S.M. Jarvis, K.A. Wood, C.J. Cornforth, S.D. Mahaffy, K.K. Martien, K.M. Robertson, D.B. Anderson, and D.J. Moretti. 2018. Odontocete studies on the Pacific Missile Range Facility in August 2017: satellite-tagging, photo-identification, and passive acoustic monitoring. Prepared for Commander, Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, Z.T. Swaim, H.J. Foley, D.B. Anderson, and A.J. Read. 2018. Spatial use by Cuvier’s beaked whales and short-finned pilot whales satellite tagged off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina: 2017 Annual Progress Report. Prepared for U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, under Contract No. N62470-15-D-8006, Task Order 50, issued to HDR Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia. March 2018. 

Baird, R. W., D. L. Webster, S.D. Mahaffy,  A.M. Gorgone, E. M. Walters, and D.B. Anderson. 2017. Studies of dolphins and whales on and around the Pacific Missile Range Facility using photo-identification and satellite tagging: evidence for resident and non-resident speciesPrepared under Contract No. N66604-14-C0145 from the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. 

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, R. Morrissey, B.K. Rone, S.D. Mahaffy, A.M. Gorgone, D.B. Anderson, E.E. Henderson, S.W. Martin, and D.J. Moretti. 2017. Odontocete studies on the Pacific Missile Range Facility in February 2016: satellite-tagging, photo-identification, and passive acoustic monitoring. Prepared for Commander, Pacific Fleet, Honolulu, HI.

Baird, R. W., D. L. Webster, S.D. Mahaffy,  A.M. Gorgone, E. M. Walters, and D.B. Anderson. 2017. Studies of dolphins and whales on and around the Pacific Missile Range Facility using photo-identification and satellite tagging: evidence for resident and non-resident species. Prepared under Contract No. N66604-14-C0145 from the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. 

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, R. Morrissey, B.K. Rone, S.D. Mahaffy, A.M. Gorgone, D.B. Anderson and D.J. Moretti. 2017. Odontocete studies on the Pacific Missile Range Facility in February 2016: satellite-tagging, photo-identification, and passive acoustic monitoring. Prepared for Commander, Pacific Fleet, Environmental Readiness Division, Pearl Harbor, HI. Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Pacific, EV2 Environmental Planning, Pearl Harbor, HI under Contract No. N62470-15-D-8006 TO KB08 issued to HDR Inc., Honolulu, HI.

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, Z. Swaim, H.J. Foley, D.B. Anderson, and A.J. Read. 2016. Spatial Use by Odontocetes Satellite Tagged off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina in 2015. Final report. Prepared for U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, under Contract No. N62470-10-3011, Task Order 57 and N62470-15- 8006, Task Order 07, issued to HDR Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia. 29 July 2016.

Evenson, J.R., D. Anderson, B.L. Murphie, T.A. Cyra, and J. Calambokidis. 2016. Disappearance and return of harbor porpoise to Puget Sound: 20 year pattern revealed from winter aerial surveys. Technical Report. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Program and Cascadia Research Collective, Olympia, WA.

Baird, R.W., D.L. Webster, Z. Swaim, H.J. Foley, D.B. Anderson, and A.J. Read. 2015.  Spatial Use by Cuvier’s Beaked Whales, Short-finned Pilot Whales, Common Bottlenose Dolphins, and Short-beaked Common Dolphins Satellite Tagged off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 2014. Prepared for U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, under Contract No. N62470-10-3011, Task Orders 14 and 21, issued to HDR Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia. 17 July 2015.

Conference presenttations

Anderson, D., R. Baird, A. Bradford, D. Webster. 2017. Longline fishery interactions and resource selection of satellite-tagged pelagic false killer whales in the North Pacific. Abstract (Proceedings) 22nd Biennial on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 22-27, 2017.

Baird, R., D. Anderson, D. Webster. 2017. Bringing the right fishermen to the table: An index of overlap between false killer whales and nearshore fisheries in Hawai‘i, with implications for targeting observer programs and outreach efforts. Abstract (Proceedings) 22nd Biennial on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 22-27, 2017.

Foley, H., D. Anderson, R. Baird, Z. Swaim, D. Waples, D. Webster, J. Bell, A. Read. 2017. Short-finned pilot whales exhibit two modes of foraging behavior along the East Coast of the United States. Abstract (Proceedings) 22nd Biennial on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 22-27, 2017.

Shuster, L., J. Huggins, D. Anderson, A. Douglas, J. Calambokidis. 2017. Common dolphins in Washington State waters: An increase in sightings and strandings. Abstract (Proceedings) 22nd Biennial on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 22-27, 2017.

Walters, E., R. Baird, D. Webster, D. Anderson, S. Mahaffy, G. Schorr, R. Andrews. 2017. Defining key habitats: An analysis of short-finned pilot whale communities in Hawai‘i using satellite tag data. Abstract (Proceedings) 22nd Biennial on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 22-27, 2017.

Anderson, D., J.R. Evenson, B. Murphie, T. Cyra, and J. Calambokidis, 2016. Recovery of a sentinel species in the Salish Sea: documenting Washington harbor porpoise abundance through 20 years of aerial seabird surveys. Presentation at Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, BC. 13-15 April 2016.

Anderson, D, J Evenson, B Murphie, T Cyra, J Calambokidis. 2015. Return of harbor porpoise to Washington State’s Puget Sound as documented through 20 years of aerial seabird surveys. Abstract (Proceedings) 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, California, December 14-18, 2015.

Huggins, J, J Calambokidis, D Lambourn, S Norman, J Evenson, D Anderson, B Hanson, S Jeffries, and S Berta. 2015. Utility of sighting and stranding data to document marine mammal occurrence: A case study in Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Abstract (Proceedings) 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, California, December 14-18, 2015.

Rone, Brenda K., R. W. Baird, D. L. Webster, D. B. Anderson. 2015. Satellite telemetry results indicate an open-ocean population of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in Hawaiian waters. Abstract (Proceedings) 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, California, December 14-18, 2015.

Webster, Daniel L., R. W. Baird, B. K. Rone, D. B. Anderson. 2015. Rough-toothed dolphins on a Navy range in Hawai’i: using LIMPET satellite-tag data to assess movements, habitat use, and overlap with Navy activities. Abstract (Proceedings) 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, California, December 14-18, 2015.


Anderson, D., 2014. Harbor porpoise return to the South Puget Sound: Using bioacoustic methods to monitor a recovering population (Masters thesis, Evergreen State College).