Hi! I’m Meg and I recently graduated from the University of Washington with a B.S in Biology. As an undergrad I studied rorqual whale baleen at Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL) with Dr. Adam Summers and Dr. Shirel Kahane-Rapport. I recently submitted my first first-author publication for review, focusing on the morphological difference between baleen of Blue, Fin, Gray, Humpback and Minke whales. I love CT scanning, SEM imaging and Histology! This summer I was able to take a graduate course at FHL and I studied Agonidae armor and the effect of the armor on the hydrodynamics of the fish. I am excited to present both my research efforts at SICB in Austin TX this winter. I am applying to Graduate schools this fall and I hope to do a PhD in marine biology. I love rock climbing and hiking and when I’m not working you can find me out on the ocean kayaking. I’m very excited to be working with Cascadia with my favorite whales on the West Coast team!
Fall 2022, Winter 2023