Statement of Qualifications

Cascadia Research, a non-profit Washington State corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, has conducted scientific research and education for the past 27 years. Since incorporation in 1979, Cascadia Research has received grants and contracts, primarily from government agencies, to pursue research in a variety of areas. Most of this research has been in the fields of marine mammal and bird biology, animal behavior, ecology, and pollution ecology. Members of Cascadia Research put a premium on publication of research results in the scientific literature and thus research is conducted and reported with an emphasis on high quality as well as timely completion. Cascadia also makes educational presentations to a variety of audiences from technical talks to scientists to presentations to elementary school children. Based out of offices in downtown Olympia, Cascadia has conducted field research in the Canadian Arctic, Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawai’i, Mexico, and the waters off Central America.

Cascadia has sought to conduct research on topics that are important for protection and proper management of marine mammals and other species.  The focus of our research has included:

  • Biological studies on endangered cetaceans such as blue, humpback, bowhead, and gray where information is critically needed.
  • Studies on species such as the harbor porpoise that are declining in many areas and suffer from mortality in gillnets.
  • Evaluation of the impacts of human activities, such as pollution and disturbance, on marine mammals and other species.

Examples of contracts and grants for recent research include:

(list is not in order of most recent)

Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Washington
Collaborate with NWFSC on studies of the diet of ESA-listed “southern resident” killer whales.

Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, California
Study diving behavior of beaked whales using suction-cup attached tags.

Puget Sound Action Team, Olympia, WA
Collaborate with WDFW and Inst. of Ocean Science in examining trends in contaminants in harbor seals from southern Puget Sound.

Scripps Institute of Oceanography, San Diego, CA
Conduct visual surveys for marine mammals off Southern California and examine the vocal behavior of blue whales.

Office of Naval Research, Alexandria, Virginia
Examine the underwater behavior of blue whales (with National Geographic) using an instrument package (Crittercam) that recorded video, sound, depth, and temperature.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Seattle, WA
Conduct aerial surveys to estimate abundance of harbor porpoise in coastal and inside waters of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, California
Conduct boat surveys to obtain identification photographs of humpback and blue whales in order to estimate abundance, population trends, and other population parameters.

Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA, Port Angeles, WA
Examine marine mammal distribution off the Washington coast based on analysis of data collected during ship surveys from 1995 to 2002.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Seattle, WA
Conduct surveys and collaborate with other researchers to track the movements and abundance of gray whales using photo-identification in the Pacific Northwest.

Oceanic Society, San Francisco, CA
Conduct collaborative research program on the use of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica as a wintering area for humpback whales.

Scripps Institute of Oceanography, San Diego, CA
Collaborative effort to conduct test deployments of an acoustical recording tags (developed by Greeneridge Sciences) on blue whales off California.

University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Conduct aerial surveys and collect fecal material of northern sea lions off the Washington Coast in collaboration with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
Conduct research on the reactions of marine mammals to air guns and implement mitigation strategies as needed during seismic surveys off southern California in 2002.

Projects completed since 1980 include:

Natural Resources Canada, Sidney, BC
Monitored reactions of marine mammals and conducted mitigation for Geological Survey of Canada seismic survey in the Pacific Northwest.

National Geographic Society, Washington D.C.
Conducted expedition to determine the breeding area of humpback and blue whales off Central America and their stock identity.

National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA
Responded to stranding reports and conducted examination of gray whales and other whales stranding in Washington State in 2000.

U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
Conducted research on the reactions of marine mammals to air guns and implement mitigation strategies as needed during seismic surveys off Hawaii in 2001.

National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA
Estimated the population size of humpback whales in the entire North Pacific through mark-recapture abundance estimates using photographically identified whales collected by collaborating researchers throughout the North Pacific.

University of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
Examined the impact of low frequency sound from the ATOC sound source on marine mammals including aerial surveys to evaluate changes in behavior and distribution and photographic identification of whales to examine long-term impacts.

Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA,  Port Angeles, WA
Examined the number, distribution, and movements of humpback whales occurring off the coast of Washington State.

U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
Conducted research on the reactions of marine mammals to air guns and implemented mitigation strategies as needed during seismic surveys off California.

U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
Monitored marine mammals and their reactions to air guns and implemented shut-downs as needed during surveys in Washington and British Columbia.

Southwest Science Fisheries Center, NMFS, La Jolla, CA
Conduct photographic identification of blue, fin, and humpback whales in conjunction with surveys to examine the habitat and prey of whales off southern California.

Monterey National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA,  Monterey, CA
Conducted dedicated photographic identification surveys for humpback and blue whales in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA,  Santa Barbara, CA
Conducted surveys for humpback and blue whales and examined movements of whales using photographic identification.

Southwest Science Fisheries Center, NMFS,   La Jolla, CA
Estimated the abundance and examined stock discreteness of humpback and blue whales feeding along the California coast using mark-recapture data from photographically identified whales.

Washington Department of Wildlife,  Olympia, WA
Determined the abundance, movements, and mortality of individually identified gray whales in the Puget Sound area during the spring and summer and prepare a publication and catalog for the public.

Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission,  Olympia, WA
Monitored harbor seal use of the Dosewallips Delta and actions taken to reduce  bacterial contamination of shellfish beds caused by seals (3 studies 1990-1992).

Washington Department of Wildlife,  Olympia, WA
Coordinated volunteers to conduct shorebird censuses throughout Washington State during different seasons.

Puget Sound Water Quality Authority,   Seattle, WA
Provided text and graphics about marine mammals and pollution in Puget Sound for a display for public education for the Public Involvement and Education (PIE) grant (subcontract to the Whale Museum, Friday Harbor).

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Damage Assessment Off.,  Long Beach, CA
Reviewed and prepared a report on injuries to marine mammals in the Southern California Bight related to contamination from PCBs and DDT.

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary,   San Francisco, CA
Prepared a Geographic Information System (GIS) database summarizing biological, and oceanographic data for the Gulf of the Farallones area (subcont. w/ Ecological Cons.).

Environmental Protection Agency,   Seattle, WA
Examined trends in contaminant levels in harbor seal pups in Puget Sound and Washington inland waters (subcontract through PTI Environmental Services).

Environmental Protection Agency,   Seattle, WA
Summarized current information on contaminant levels and effects on wildlife in the Puget Sound regions with recommendations for research priorities (subcontract with PTI Environmental Services, Bellevue).

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Developed a single estimate of harbor porpoise population size for Washington and Oregon using data from seven surveys conducted previously.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Developed a correction factor for harbor porpoise missed during aerial surveys through a land calibration experiment conducted in conjunction with aerial surveys conducted in the San Juan Islands in 1992.

Point Reyes Bird Observatory,   Stinson Beach, CA
Conducting shorebird censuses in Puget Sound and outer coast bays.

Marine Mammal Commission,   Washington D.C.
Analyzed contaminant levels in the endangered porpoise Phocoena sinus from the Gulf of California, Mexico.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Conducted aerial line-transect surveys to estimate harbor porpoise abundance along the coasts of Oregon and Washington and in inland waters of Washington in the summers of 1990 and 1991 (2 contracts).

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary San Francisco, CA and Southwest Fisheries Center,   La Jolla, CA
Studied the abundance, distribution, migratory patterns and feeding ecology of humpback and blue whales off central California, 1989-1990.

Environmental Studies Revolving Funds,   Government of Canada, Ottawa
With Environmental Science Ltd. conducted aerial surveys and photogrammetric measurements of bowhead whales in the Canadian Arctic for comparison to oceanographic features.

Southwest Fisheries Center, NMFS,   La Jolla, CA
Designed a computerized data acquisition system for marine mammal research.

Washington Department of Natural Resources,   Olympia, WA
Determined population size, disturbance, and habitat requirements of harbor seals at Woodard Bay Conservation Area and recommend how to preserve seal use of the area in conjunction with human use.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,   Anchorage, AK
Designed a computerized data acquisition system for marine mammal research.

Environmental Protection Agency,   Seattle, WA
Developed a protocol to collect and analyze contaminant in marine mammal tissues in Puget Sound and surrounding areas (subcontract with PTI Environmental Services, Bellevue).

Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission,   Olympia, WA
Determined the feasibility, design, and implementation requirements of harbor seal haul-out relocation at Dosewallips Delta in relation to fecal coliform contamination of shellfish beds.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Determined harbor porpoise population size off the coast of Washington State through vessel line-transect surveys, summer 1989.

Jefferson County and Washington Department of Ecology,   Port Townsend, WA
Examined the contribution of harbor seals to non-point fecal coliform pollution in Quilcene Bay, Washington.

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA,   San Francisco, CA
Examine distribution and occurrence of blue whales using photo-identification in the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, California, 1986-1988.

Ocean Assessment Division, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Conducted field research on marine mammal and marine bird population status, reproduction, mortality, and pathology in Puget Sound.  Examined various indicators of biological disorders and evaluated evidence for pollutant effects.

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA,   San Francisco, CA
Conduct year-round vessel-based line-transect surveys to examine distribution and abundance of harbor porpoise in the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, California.

USDA Forest Service,   Olympia, WA
Evaluated potential habitat and monitored Peregrine Falcons in the Olympic National Forest and vicinity, 1988-1990.

National Park Service,   San Francisco, CA
Examine distribution and abundance of humpback whales in the Gulf of the Farallones, California.  Population estimates made using both aerial survey line-transect surveys as well as mark-recapture estimates (using photo-identification), 1986-1988.

Southwest Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service,   La Jolla, California
Analyze chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations in tissues of 50 harbor porpoise from the west coast of the U.S. (including Washington) to examine the use of contaminants in determining stock discreteness.

Minerals Management Service Anchorage, Alaska
Subcontract from Applied Sciences Associates to analyze biological data needed for modeling the effect of oil spills on fur seal populations in the Bering Sea.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Provided expertise and personnel to assist NMML in aerial survey, photogrammetric study, and photo identification of bowhead whales in Amundsen Gulf.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory,   NOAA Seattle, WA
Examined the length distribution of bowhead whales in the Canadian Arctic through dedicated aerial surveys and stereophotogrammetry.

Army Corps of Engineers,   Seattle, WA
Conduct monthly aerial surveys, land censuses, and vessel based surveys for marine mammals in Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington and evaluate impact of activities related to development of breakwaters and boat harbors.

Office of Marine Pollution Assessment, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Through lab analysis and literature review evaluate evidence of impact of pollutants on marine mammals in Puget Sound.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Studied behavior, mortality, and growth of newborn northern fur seals on the Pribilof Is.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA,   Seattle, WA
Studied distribution and calf production of bowhead whales in the Canadian Arctic through aerial and boat surveys.

National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA Seattle, WA
Analyzed tissues of northern fur seals for chlorinated hydrocarbon pollutants.

Sea Search Juneau, Alaska.
Determined levels of chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in tissues of stranded humpback whales.