Cascadia Research, a non-profit Washington State corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, has conducted scientific research and education for 45 years. Since incorporation in 1979, Cascadia Research has received grants and contracts, primarily from government agencies, to pursue research in a variety of areas. Most of this research has been in the fields of marine mammal and bird biology, animal behavior, ecology, and pollution ecology. Members of Cascadia Research put a premium on publication of research results in the scientific literature and thus research is conducted and reported with an emphasis on high quality as well as timely completion. Cascadia also makes educational presentations to a variety of audiences from technical talks to scientists to presentations to elementary school children. Based out of offices in downtown Olympia, Cascadia has conducted field research in the Canadian Arctic, Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawai’i, Mexico, and the waters off Central America.
Cascadia acknowledges that many members of the diverse areas we conduct our research in are not represented in Cascadia or in our programs and therefore we are missing out on important voices, values, perspectives and considerations in our research. We believe this needs to change. We see the long-standing injustices imposed on Black people, Indigenous people and other People of Color and are working in ways that we can learn about and promote anti-racist policies and practices that will hopefully start to repair the damages that these communities have suffered. We intend to reduce the barriers to all people in hopes of making our research accessible to as many people as possible through more focused programming and collaborations and helping to make this career seen as a viable option to all.
Please visit our MARINE committee’s page that outlines our work toward this effort.