KC Hambleton is a west coast office research intern from Boston, Massachusetts. She currently lives and works at St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire, where she teaches Biology, Chemistry, and Marine Biology, coaches field hockey and lacrosse, and runs a girls dorm. KC grew up spending her summers on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, swimming, sailing, building sandcastles, and spending as much time as possible in the ocean. With saltwater in her veins she has loved the ocean her whole life and has always been fascinated by marine mammals, particularly whales and dolphins. She spent the summer after her sophomore year at Tufts University in Key Largo as a Dolphin Research Intern at Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder assisting the many ongoing research projects on the cognition, social development, acoustics, and social cooperation of bottlenose dolphins. The following summer she worked as a research assistant at the National Smithsonian station in Bocas del Toro, Panamá studying the effects of local tourism boats on the behavioral budget of the local resident population of bottlenose. KC is particularly interested in marine mammal acoustics (specifically bottlenose dolphins, blue whales, and humpbacks) as wells as the cognitive and social development of odontocetes. She is also an avid Boston sports fan (go Pats!), loves to ski, scuba dive, and travel, and is a dog lover.
Summer 2019